Quenching furnace / gas quenching / vacuum - 1 100 °C

Quenching furnace / gas quenching / vacuum - 1 100 °C
Ruhstrat GmbH The unit is manufactured by Ruhstrat GmbH, and is an electrically heated vacuum-inert gas muffle furnace that has four heating zones. The housing of the furnace consists of a stable structure made of steel, and has the design of a reclined cylinder, in which the muffle is stored. The muffle of the unit is flanged only on the front wall of the housing, thus can be expanded freely to the back. An air-conducting cylinder is installed inside the muffle, and inside the air-conducting cylinder a feeding frame is placed.

The heating of the muffle is executed electrically. The hot gas ventilator is clamped at the flange located at the back of the muffle. The space atmosphere is heated with the use of sidewise air ducts in the middle of the air-conducting cylinder and of the muffle.

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